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EUROPE: Three pandemic management scenarios for the fall

EUROPE: Three pandemic management scenarios for the fall | Speevr

With levels of activity expected to ramp up after the summer holidays, significant uncertainty remains about the potential impact of Covid-19 across the continent in the coming months. Hopes of reaching herd immunity seem to be fading due to the aggressiveness of the Delta…   Become a member to read the rest of this article […]

GERMANY: The rise and rise of the SPD – Implications

GERMANY: The rise and rise of the SPD – Implications | Speevr

Just over a month ahead of the 26 September Bundestag elections, momentum for the Social Democrats (SPD) appears to be growing. Their chancellor candidate, Finance Minister Olaf Scholz, has long been the most popular of the three contenders. Now, however, his party is also beginn…   Become a member to read the rest of this […]



In Bulgaria, the president and political leaders are holding talks to avoid the third general election since April. The rising anti-vaccination, anti-migrant and anti-LGBT sentiment in Latvia and Lithuania is bringing changes to their political landscapes. In Romania, an investme…   Become a member to read the rest of this article

GERMANY: Beyond the Afghanistan disaster, a migration debate might loom

GERMANY: Beyond the Afghanistan disaster, a migration debate might loom | Speevr

Amid Berlin’s badly delayed evacuation mission for Afghanistan, centrist parties seem to have decided that looking ill-prepared is preferable to a conversation about Germany’s foreign and migration policies of the last decades. In a somewhat nonchalant demeanor, Chancellor Angela…   Become a member to read the rest of this article

EUROPE: Managing the pandemic – what we are watching

EUROPE: Managing the pandemic – what we are watching | Speevr

This updated weekly piece provides snapshots of how selected European governments are dealing with the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you want to discuss any of the countries mentioned in more detail. Graph of the week Spain – New daily ca…   Become a member to read the rest […]

EUROPE: Managing the pandemic – what we are watching

EUROPE: Managing the pandemic – what we are watching | Speevr

This updated weekly piece provides snapshots of how selected European governments are dealing with the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you want to discuss any of the countries mentioned in more detail. Graph of the week Spain – Covid-19 cas…   Become a member to read the rest of […]

TURKEY: Afghan crisis leaves Erdogan empty handed

TURKEY: Afghan crisis leaves Erdogan empty handed | Speevr

The Taliban’s seizure of Afghanistan’s capital has effectively killed Ankara’s plans to use Turkish forces to operate Kabul international airport after the withdrawal of NATO allies. The “airport mission” was Erdogan’s (weak) card to try to mend ties with the US and show t…   Become a member to read the rest of this article

POLAND: PiS advances controversial Lex TVN despite potentially steep costs

POLAND: PiS advances controversial Lex TVN despite potentially steep costs | Speevr

The government’s attempt to gain greater influence over private media will further erode democratic institutions, hurt the country’s business environment and relations with key international allies. The broadcasting bill will test whether the PiS-led government can muster …   Become a member to read the rest of this article

GERMANY: Austere kingmakers?

GERMANY: Austere kingmakers? | Speevr

With just over six weeks to go until the 26 September Bundestag elections, opinion polls suggest that the next government might, for the first time, have to be made up of three partners. A three-way coalition was already the assumption for any government without Armin Laschet’s C…   Become a member to read the rest […]

TURKEY: Erdogan’s regime descending into farce and caricature

TURKEY: Erdogan’s regime descending into farce and caricature | Speevr

The government’s mismanagement of the fires that recently swept southwest Turkey have reinforced the impression that the regime of President Tayyip Erdogan is in decay. It has also shown how dysfunctional Erdogan’s much vaunted executive presidential system has become, rei…   Become a member to read the rest of this article