EMERGING MARKETS: Covid-19 Vaccination Strategies and Challenges
Our Covid-19 vaccination table includes updated information on the immunization strategies selected EMs are pursuing and the challenges they face. Below are some of this week’s key developments. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you want to discuss any of the countries ment… Become a member to read the rest of this […]
MACRO: Policy responses to Covid-19
Below is our weekly summary table on the health and economic policies that selected governments around the world are implementing to counter the fallout from Covid-19. The updated table includes information about each country’s vaccination strategy. Please do not hesitate to cont… Become a member to read the rest of this article
Building the Road to Greener Pastures
How the G20 can support the recovery with sustainable local infrastructure investment.
EUROPE: Managing the pandemic – what we are watching
This updated weekly piece provides snapshots of how selected European governments are dealing with the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you want to discuss any of the countries mentioned in more detail. Graph of the week Spain – The average of da… Become a member to read the […]
MACRO: Policy responses to Covid-19
Below is our weekly summary table on the health and economic policies that selected governments around the world are implementing to counter the fallout from Covid-19. The updated table includes information about each country’s vaccination strategy. Please do not hesitate to cont… Become a member to read the rest of this article
A Global Deal for Our Pandemic Age
Report of the G20 High Level Independent Panel on Financing the Global Commons for Pandemic Preparedness and Response.
EMERGING MARKETS: Covid-19 Vaccination Strategies and Challenges
Our Covid-19 vaccination table includes updated information on the immunization strategies selected EMs are pursuing and the challenges they face. Below are some of this week’s key developments. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you want to discuss any of the countries ment… Become a member to read the rest of this […]
EUROPE: Managing the pandemic – what we are watching
This updated weekly piece provides snapshots of how selected European governments are dealing with the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you want to discuss any of the countries mentioned in more detail. Graph of the week Italy – The highly conta… Become a member to read the rest […]
EUROPE: Managing the pandemic – what we are watching
This updated weekly piece provides snapshots of how selected European governments are dealing with the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you want to discuss any of the countries mentioned in more detail. Graph of the week France – The Delta varia… Become a member to read the rest […]
MACRO: Policy responses to Covid-19
Below is our weekly summary table on the health and economic policies that selected governments around the world are implementing to counter the fallout from Covid-19. The updated table includes information about each country’s vaccination strategy. Please do not hesitate to cont… Become a member to read the rest of this article