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Smarter Markets – Robert Friedland: Envisioning commodities graded & traded on how responsibly they're produced

Smarter Markets - Robert Friedland: Envisioning commodities graded & traded on how responsibly they're produced | Speevr

Billionaire Canadian financier Robert Friedland headlines the inaugural episode of Smarter Markets, and shares a vision of commodities being graded based on how responsibly they were produced with regard to ESG priorities, thus allowing free market price discovery to determine a market premium to reward responsible producers of metals and other commodities which have historically had an adverse environmental impact.. Robert goes on to share his vision for how a distributed ledger (blockchain) could be used to hold commodity producers to account and assure buyers of commodities that they’ve received the full and true details of how those commodities were produced.

Smarter Markets – Robert Friedland: Envisioning commodities graded & traded on how responsibly they're produced

Smarter Markets - Robert Friedland: Envisioning commodities graded & traded on how responsibly they're produced | Speevr

Billionaire Canadian financier Robert Friedland headlines the inaugural episode of Smarter Markets, and shares a vision of commodities being graded based on how responsibly they were produced with regard to ESG priorities, thus allowing free market price discovery to determine a market premium to reward responsible producers of metals and other commodities which have historically had an adverse environmental impact.. Robert goes on to share his vision for how a distributed ledger (blockchain) could be used to hold commodity producers to account and assure buyers of commodities that they’ve received the full and true details of how those commodities were produced.

MacroVoices #245 Lakshman Achuthan: Brace For Inflation

MacroVoices #245 Lakshman Achuthan: Brace For Inflation | Speevr

MacroVoices Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome ECRI’s Lakshman Achuthan to the show to talk about why he sees an inflation cycle on the near horizon and where we stand in the economic cycle and the outlook for markets.

Link: https://bit.ly/35o7h5A

MacroVoices #245 Lakshman Achuthan: Brace For Inflation

MacroVoices #245 Lakshman Achuthan: Brace For Inflation | Speevr

MacroVoices Erik Townsend and Patrick Ceresna welcome ECRI’s Lakshman Achuthan to the show to talk about why he sees an inflation cycle on the near horizon and where we stand in the economic cycle and the outlook for markets.

Link: https://bit.ly/35o7h5A